Elegant Slim Font


What you will receive:
Zip File Containing
Elegant Slim OTF
Elegant Slim WOFF
Font License

Unlock the potential of your designs with our modern font, tailored to meet your needs in projects ranging from Cricut crafts to Procreate masterpieces. This classy serif font adds a touch of sophistication to your creations and is equally adept at serving as a logo font. With its captivating charm, this modern serif is more than just a cute font – it’s a tool to elevate your design game. Discover the beauty of the handwritten font that combines modern and serif elements, providing you with endless creative possibilities.

What you will receive:
Zip File Containing
Elegant Slim OTF
Elegant Slim WOFF
Font License

You can use this font for commercial projects.
~ unlimited personal and commercial projects
~ unlimited end products for sale
~ can use in client projects (with restrictions)
~ no attribution required

Prohibited Uses Include:
~ You cannot resell or distribute the font
~ You cannot upload the font into editable templates
~ You cannot digitize the font to sell
~ You cannot sell the font or any parts of it
~ You cannot alter the font and claim as your own

Please see the full license terms here:

Product Terms & Licenses


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